Case Study: Jessica Wyatt's Experience with Session Savvy

Case Study: Jessica Wyatt's Experience with Session Savvy

Jessica Wyatt, a small business owner, was facing challenges managing her company’s growing needs for client scheduling, communication, and operational efficiency. Like many entrepreneurs, she initially relied on multiple separate tools for booking appointments, tracking client interactions, and organizing administrative tasks. While this setup worked initially, as her business grew, the fragmented systems created inefficiencies and led to wasted time.

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Mastering the Art: How to Consistently Book Clients as a Photographer

Mastering the Art: How to Consistently Book Clients as a Photographer

In the bustling world of photography, talent alone isn't always enough to thrive. While having a keen eye and technical proficiency are essential, mastering the business side of photography is equally crucial. One of the biggest challenges for many photographers is consistently booking clients. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, here are some strategies to help you attract clients and keep your calendar filled with exciting projects.

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Empowering Your Photography Business with Session Savvy: A Case Study with Kari Kidd Photography

Empowering Your Photography Business with Session Savvy: A Case Study with Kari Kidd Photography

In the competitive world of photography, organization and efficiency are key to success. For Kari Kidd Photography, a boutique photography studio specializing in family, newborn, and portrait photography, staying on top of client inquiries, scheduling, and administrative tasks was proving to be a challenge—until they discovered Session Savvy. In this blog post, we'll delve into how Kari Kidd Photography harnesses the power of Session Savvy to streamline their workflow, enhance client communication, and ultimately, grow their business.

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How do I create a photography pricing guide?

How do I create a photography pricing guide?

By following these steps, you can create a clear and effective pricing guide for your photography business.

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How to book more photography clients in 2023!

By following these strategies and continuing to improve your skills, you can increase your bookings and grow your photography business and make 2023 the best year your business has ever seen!

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Becoming a newborn photographer

Becoming a newborn photographer

Explore 5 practical steps to help you get started building your photography business as a newborn photogapher

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Starting your photography business in 2023

By following these steps, you can start your own successful photography business. It may take some time and effort, but with dedication and hard work, you can turn your passion for photography into a rewarding career.

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How to get more photography clients

One of the best ways to increase your photo clients is by using referral marketing. This system involves asking your clients to refer your business to their friends and family members.

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Photographer tips: How to do a model call?

Hosting a successful model call is essential for photographers looking to collaborate with models for various projects. Here are some tips to ensure your model call is effective and attracts the right talent:

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10 ideas to help you book more photography sessions!

Struggling to get more clients through the door? Here are 10 ideas to help you book more photography sessions!

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Why do my photos look perfect in Photoshop and on my laptop but on my phone the color is totally off!

You've spent hours meticulously editing your photos in Photoshop, ensuring that every detail is just right. But when you eagerly pull up the final result on your phone, something seems amiss—the colors are completely off! If you've ever experienced this frustrating discrepancy, you're not alone. Understanding why your photos look perfect in Photoshop and on your laptop but appear differently on your phone requires unraveling the complexities of color management across devices.

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How can Session Savvy save me time and money?

Session Savvy is affordable, and a huge time saver. It's like having a virtual assistant that remembers everything your clients tell you, helps you run your business and flat out makes you look professional.

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How many email templates do I need?

Email templates are a time saver, and life saver! Forget copying and pasting details from another email, only to realize you forgot to change the client's name! That's amateur hour.

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How do you setup your custom contact and inquiry form in Session Savvy?

Customizing your contact and inquiry form within Session Savvy is super simple.

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How does Session Savvy help you communicate with clients?

When a potential client completes the contact/inquiry form that you have hosted on your website, you will receive an email notification. This email is mostly a notification and includes the details of the inquiry, but it will also direct you to view the inquiry within Session Savvy where you will handle your client communication. Quickly reply using one of your custom email templates.

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What's required to start a photography business?

It may be overwhelming, but there's never been a better time to start a photography business than right now. The internet offers an unlimited number of educational resources to help with the technical basics, but your best resource is going to be a real-life experience.

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How to keep your client workflow organized

Staying organized as a photographer isn't easy. You may find this quick lesson in client workflow design to be very helpful!

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5 Ways to Advance Your Photography Business in 2020

We cover a few items that should be on your radar for the upcoming year. What are you waiting for?!

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